Oli hunting grouse

Heidi Johansen

Illustratør: Ingvild Trøite Johnsen

Oversettere: Ingolf Uglebakken og Peder-Eirik Bergseng

A lovely story from the North of Norway about the curious girl from Finnmark hunting grouse with her mother. Up north, where the plateau and mountain lakes meet, they spend the night in a tent. Outside there is red and yellow heath covered by morning dew. Will they catch any grouse the first day of the hunt? A strange and exciting story about everything they meet on their way. Maybe this sounds familiar to you if you have been on tour in the autumn? Or maybe you would like to visit the beautiful nature in the northern part of Norway? Join Olio and see how it is to grow up in the Arctic, where wild nature and wildlife is right outside your house

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kr 299.00
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Utgitt: 2020-09

Innbinding: Innbundet

Språk: Engelsk

ISBN: 9788269191318

Forlag: Vilt forlag

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