We are the Sámi

John T. Solbakk

An introduction to indigenous issues of Norway.


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kr 120.00
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An introduction to indigenous issues of Norway.

First produced and published in 2006 by ČálliidLágádus - AuthorsPublisher with Magne Ove Varsi as project editor and John T. Solbakk as author of the fact sheets.

The new version is based on the first edition, and has been updated. Several original fact sheets are streamlined and edited together, and there are fifteen new themes added.

The previous fact-sheets that were produced in folders are now bound into a booklet.

The new edition of 2014 is produced in Sámi, Norwegian, English and Spanish, and as in 2006 produced for Resource Centre for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


Utgitt: 2018 


Sider: 40 

Språk: Engelsk

ISBN: 9788282633048

Forlag: ČálliidLágádus


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